Great Gods! Moon and stars collide, a cosmic derby of churning magnetic forces right in the heart of Chinatown! Due to the early exit of the French national side from the 2008 European Cup, international footballer Thierry Henry has joined a collection of crossover hoop stars for an urban friendly in Sara D. Roosevelt Park.

Nash, an avid football enthusiast, has long used football as a conditioning technique to stay fit during off-seasons. The interest seems to run in the family - his brother, a member of the Canadian national side and father, an ex-professional in both England and South Africa.
(a Nike commercial showcasing Nash's alternative regiment)
The relatively-unknown 8 v. 8 still drew enough attention to line the chain fence five rows deep, some ambitious spectators taking to the trees for a better view. Those inside the fence showed no humility, and the Unfortunates strained to view what privilege had so easily offered the few. Bodies crammed to see the athletes lead to competition. Pleads were offered from beyond the gates. "Sit down!" they cried. "We want to see, too!"
Promises were made to sit down once the match began, but when the mob's patience expired, so to the atmosphere of compromise. Curses were thrown; insults; slander.
"Not likely, is it? Calling me 'fuckhead'..." "He is sitting down, isn't he?" joked another of his short, fat friend.
"Ah, you're just pissed that England lost in qualifying, huh?" spit the man. At this point, all four Scots turn to the fence. Any hope of compliance on their part is dashed.
"We're not fucking England supporters, you right fuck!" the tall one screamed. "And this ticket says we don't have to sit down." The man on the outside spits on the little one - spits right in his face. Phlegm is dripping down the side of his cheek. The cops were called over.
Such childishness. At a charity event.